October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin visits UC-Berkeley

Sarah Palin visits UC-Berkeley, originally uploaded by flatpalin.

Here I am standing by Sather Gate on the UC Berkeley campus. This was shortly before I climbed up to spend some time with the treesitters.I explained that they had to come down, so we could drill those trees for oil. Drill, baby, drill.

October 2, 2008

Sarah in Nairobi, Kenya

Sarah in Nairobi, Kenya, originally uploaded by flatpalin.

Oh my gawsh. It's so hot here. I brought my igloo here, and oh my, it just y'know melted! (Thanks Ivy!)

October 1, 2008

Sarah Palin in Chicago

Sarah Palin in Chicago, originally uploaded by flatpalin.

Oh my gawsh. They don't have giant Levis in Wasilla.